Sunday, August 12, 2012

Shively Camping Trip

In July we went camping with the Shively's up to Wade Lake in Montana. I mean rugged, tent camping :)  Everyone had trailers but us so we were the only ones roughin' it.  It was actually so much fun! I took a much needed week off work and went up to the land of no cell phone service.  I loved every minute of it! Thank you family for letting us join in on all the fun! Here's some pics from our trip.

So no judging here for what I'm about to tell you.. Shawn had a really bad sunburn and was peeling so the kids worked together and peeled his back for him, hahahaha.  

Jaden helping out with the fire

Katelyn and Cassie were super crafty and made everyone jewelry.

We went to to West Yellowstone to get fishing licenses and Kelty found this cute hat.

Look how handsome he is! He's making a Shively's sign. It's pretty cool actually, it's in front of our house now

Chris helping out with the firewood

Jayden helping Porter put on a smile

Sitting around the campfire

Porter and Jayden hanging out around the fire

Shawn utilizing his amazing cooking skills with the dutch ovens

Desi workin' her mad cooking skills too

These guys did so good! I don't think they ran off once. 

Hanging out by the food, haha

Thayne refilling the water tank

This kid is definitely all boy!

Playing with glow sticks

Rachelle keeping warm by the fire

Chris and Cassie playing with the glowing ball

Chris workin' his magic

Thank you family for being so great, we had so much fun with you all! I can't wait until the next family campout!

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