Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer fun!

So I have something to admit, I'm a horrible blogger. So I downloaded all of my phone pictures to my computer finally and will now update you on our lives.  You're so lucky for reading this because it is going to be very exciting I'm sure! ;)
FYI: This is a totally RANDOM post

We have been doing a lot of camping

A little hike my mom, Marissa, Aaron, Ben, and I did in Yellowstone July 2012 

My love catching us some din din
Shawn joined in on the action too!
Marissa and I doing nails at the cabin
Gramps and my babies July 2012

Our AMAZING yard sale find! I've been holding off buying new furniture knowing our pups would probably ruin it, but then we found this! It's in great condition but we got an amazing deal so it works!! 
This is my beautiful mother who got a little carried away with the Tabasco sauce ;)

Look how big my little Baylee is! I can't believe she'll be two :(

In Island Park waiting for our fam to float into the bridge.  We luckily missed out on a super chilly ride!

Love this cheesy grin!
Miss my girls! 

Saying goodbye to Grandpa

 So Shawn has been working in Mud Lake a lot which has been good because he is a farm boy through and through. Well me and the pups have been missing him.  Diesel likes to look out the window and wait for him to come home.
And here's my pretty face because I don't have a lot of pics of myself I've realized :)  Sis I need a bang trim!

1 comment:

  1. Yay sis!! You updated! I love seeing your pretty face! LOVE you!!! :)
