Sunday, August 12, 2012

The First Kay Family Reunion

So these lovely ladies had not been altogether for 23 years!! That is way to long to go without seeing your sisters! I'm so glad they were all able to get together and I hope this will not be the last reunion we have. 

One success of the trip was Zac man no longer hates my dogs :)

We saw so many moose! Just on our rafting trip Shawn and I saw 6!

Josh man

Dad with his catch of the day

Everyone loading up their plates for Sweet Pork Burritos, YUM!

Best of friends

Petrified tree in Yellowstone

Beautiful Waterfall

We saw a lot of elk while at Yellowstone.

Josh and Kensley, so adorable!

Brandon and Jacci waiting to get in the canoe

Kensley, Heather, Jacci, and Brandon. 

Vanessa and Ryan

Nancy, Josh, Debster aka Mom

Off they go!

Dad and his BFF

Vanessa, Ryan, and Leslie

Jacci trying to tip the canoe!

Cute sisters

Carli decorating Vanessa after the float

Kensley joining in on the fun

Cousins enjoying a movie together behind their wall they made

Heather, Leslie, and Ryan

Shawn and Madre getting the turkey ready for our Thanksgiving in July feast
It was so wonderful to have everyone together.  We really missed Logan, Curt, Kodi, Travis, and their cute families.  Next reunion hopefully we'll all be able to make it.  Love you all family!

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