Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's been awhile!

I can't believe it's been over a year since I blogged.  Time flies when you're having fun I guess! :) I promise to start updating this bad boy at least once a month!

Well I'll just give a short update on what's been going on with our little family since the last post. Shawn unfortunately lost his job April of last year and has had zero luck finding anything else. Luckily I've got a good job so we've been okay, but the poor guy is going nuts with nothing to do.  He's been great at staying productive though.  I often come home to a sparkling casa and dinner on the table. This month Shawn will be starting school, yay!! He's doing generals for now, but his current plan is going into the Law Enforcement Program at ISU.  We'll see, he's not 100 percent on that program though.

This year has been a good one, December we bought our first home and we went to Disneyland with my family for Christmas!! It was seriously so amazing.  I'll post pics of the trip another time.
My parents were nice enough to let me and my sis split their time share for our anniversary's since they're so close together.  We decided on Vegas since it's about the closest warm getaway there is in March.  Shawn and I have been lucky enough to go there the last 3 years for our honeymoon and anniversarys.  Good times! :) 

Here's just some random pics we've taken throughout the year.  My internet is lame and takes FOREVER to load anything so there's not very many.  Next time there will be more I promise :)

So we've been going to my parents cabin in Island Park quite a bit, this is at Island Park Reservoir last summer.  That's Mishell in the back!

December 2010 we purchased our first house!! We absolutely love it.  It's been so fun so far.  It's in a great little neighborhood and it has lots of potential. We've loved fixing it up.  Next item on the agenda is painting our foundation and trim black.  It will be super cute!

 So the hubby and I were growing tired of sharing my little Fusion.  I didn't want another car payment so we did the next best thing! I never imagined myself as a biker babe, but it has been such a blast!!!! :D  Our farthest drive has been to Rigby, but we're planning a Logan trip before Shawn's school starts!

This was our exciting night last night :) The hubby has been working hard putting our new dresser together.  We had a yard sale last weekend with some friends and sold our ghetto old one, yay! So we used our yard sale money and bought two of these bad boys :) They're super cute, love them!
Here's what it looks like all put together.  Sorry it's sideways, I'm having issues with learning how to do this blogging stuff :)

And here's our new addition to the family! Little Diesel.  So far he's been so much fun! Him and Roxy are inseperable.  They're so cute together!

We gave our devil dog Kirra to our neighbor.  She was driving us nuts!! We are definitely not dauchsund people so don't worry peeps, we still just have 2 dogs :)

I'll do another post later when our internet isn't being so lame. 

1 comment:

  1. Sista! You've been one busy little blogger! I'm so excited to see posts on here you have no idea! :) And I'm also THRILLED to hear that your planning a road trip to Logan! Yay! You must visit. Love you!
