Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pics of this last year

So I'm just going to put these in the order they are on my computer.  

Here's me and the hubby at our old apartment. We're lookin' mighty fly before a night out on the town.

Extreme Home Makeover

Extreme Home Makeover came to Pocatello!!  It was pretty much the most exciting thing that's ever happened in this town, haha.  It was really great to see our community pull together and build this house in a week! It's absolutely gorgeous too.  They do good work and it was a very deserving family.

Here's Mal and I hanging out with Jillian from the Bachelorette.  She was on the design team.

 Here's Pauly and Ty. It was so much fun celebrity stalking that week, haha.  Good times :)

Here's Shawn and I waiting for the shuttle to take us to the house so we could help out and work on it.  This was at like 2 in the morning.  We worked until about 4 a.m. and they sent everyone home because they were pretty much done with the house at that point.  We got to help put away groceries and pick up trash around the house. So we took advantage of that and made sure every room was trash free just so we get a tour of it.

Here's my hubby and I enjoying some good ol' delicious fair food at the Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot.  Yum!

Haha, okay don't judge us! This is my 3 besties Linz, Jill, and Whit.  We were doing those ear wax candles and I just had to throw this in here.  See that nasty green couch right there.  When it was my turn to do the ear candle, the ashes fell on the couch and burnt holes in it.  (thank goodness! We got rid of it after that, haha)

Here's our beautiful kitchen in our new casa!! This is the only room that has been completely redone.  We still have the basement to finish and then I want to remodel the upstairs too.  I'll show you pics of our upstairs now later.  It's cute, I just want to repaint and refinish the wood floors.  I have lots of ideas for this place, we just need to actually do them! :)

Christmas in California!!

Here's me and my adorable hubby at the beach. December is not the ideal time to go to the beach, but it's still so beautiful.  Shawn being the crazy man he is still went swimming in it, haha.  It was pretty funny.  My little nieces were absolutely adorable at the beach.  Ember couldn't stop running in the sand and Adasynn was just having the time of her life.  It was a great day :)

Here's my two favorite guys hanging out with Pluto.  We seriously had such a blast in Disneyland with everyone, I can't wait to go back! Our computer crashed not to long ago so we lost a ton of pics :(  So I don't really have anymore of our trip.  Luckily my amazingly talented sister made a photo book for everyone so we've still got them.  

Aren't these little coats adorable! My sister gave these to our girls for Christmas.  Kirra is the dog on the right that we gave to our neighbor.  She's pretty cute, we still visit her sometimes.

I'm pretty much the coolest wife ever and found this shirt for Shawn's birthday.  

July 4, 2011

These were the best gummy worms ever! Aaron melted them and so generously shared them with us.  It was pretty funny watching the guys trying to dig into these. 

These pics are at Old Faithful, what a good hubby carrying my purse for me :)

Kayla and I

Our favorite hot pot!

This is after a very long four wheeler ride.  We were so dirty, it was awesome :) 

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