Saturday, August 20, 2011

Slightly spontaneous...

There is only one good thing that comes from the end of summer...

And that is these bad boys!! YUM!!! Maple bars are possibly my favorite dessert.  We were trying to figure out what to do last night when we thought what the heck, it's only an hour drive to the fair!! :)  So we drove down to good ol' Burley and indulged a bit at the Cassia County Fair. 

I had a little to much fun in the commercial building and my wonderful hubby spoiled me with his school moolah.  Super cute Lia Sophia earrings and a new shell for my Miche bag! And of course the roasted almonds are a staple of going to the fair.

Here's our little pups excited for us to come home :)

 Tonight Kodi and her adorable little family hung out with us for a few hours.  I just love when we're all together, we always have lots of fun :) Adasynn starts 1st grade next Monday and Ember will be starting preschool! I can't believe how big my girls are getting.
 Look how big Baylee bug is getting! She turns one in 5 days.  It's crazy how time flies!!!
Here's Diesel dude smiling for the camera. So far this has been a fantastic weekend and we've still got one day left!

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